What did I learn at Content Marketing Summit 2014?
I had the recent pleasure to attend Content Marketing Summit 2014.
I didn't walk away with anything super radical and new, but there were a good handful of nuggets that resonated with me.
My favorite line came from Kevin Spacey: "Learn from the record industry. Give people what they want. When they want it. At a reasonable price. And MAYBE they won't try to steal it from you.
Good content is about good storytelling.
The audience doesn't care about the platform. They care about the content.
You can try to recreate the sales funnel...but it's still the same old sales funnel.
You are only as good as the material you have.
There is no silver bullet. Good content needs to be comprehensive.
People are chaotic searchers. Andrew Davis told a great story about mealoaf. One day he was hungry for meatloaf, so he started google searching for recipes for meatloaf. The directions were not clear...so he went to youtube to look for a "how to" video, but the video was too long. So he went to a site called "3 minute videos". Then he realized he didn't have a meatloaf pan...so he went to Amazon. When he realized he wasn't willing to wait a day for meatloaf, he went to yelp. Then it struck him that he hasn't heard "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights"...so he went to iTunes. Then realized that Meatloaf the performer was coming to town, so he went to ticketmaster to purchase tickets. The long story short here is you need to notice the trends and find ways to be where your audience is.
People generally do not trust information from brands. They look to their peers for reviews and recommendations.
Be aware of trends and capitalize on them. A couple examples: Petsmart sold a ton of fish when Disney's Finding Nemo came out. Blenders and juicers couldn't stay on the shelves when a documentary called "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" came out on Netflix.
You need to leverage other thought leaders in the space. Click here to see a great slideshare presentation from Lee Odden
People love to be mentioned.
You need to find metrics that work for your content marketing strategy. Is it loyalty? Is it "size of cart"? There are other factors that content marketing can help with.
You can make a lot of friends at a tradeshow if you bring a powerstrip so people can charge their cellphones.