-The digital home of-
Dave Kaminski

This is the digital home of Dave Kaminski.
Marketing Ninja. Foodie. Luchidor. Music Snob. Practical Joker. Pirate.

Of all the Dave's I know, this Dave is the Daviest
Jen Kaminski Amburn, Dave's sister
If you don't feel like punching yourself in the face, you're not reading Dave's blog.
Mike Meibuhr
In a world, where hipsters give there opinions on things, one man, one blog, many reviews, this time it's personal.....
Mike Sherwood
The blog to end all blogs. Dive into the mind of this creative, some might say mental, man of many talents...... None of which have much value, but hey...what else do you have to do?
Johannes Phelps
Bloggey mcbloggerson.
Trista Ecrement, Dave's wife
The only man that will kick a punching bag!
Joy Gentille Freed
Dave is a funny guy...don't tell him we are laughing at him, not with him.
Matt Knapik